- Techno pioneer form Detroit and Polish symphony orchestra
- Carl Craig & NOSPR Versus US/PL
- Fusion of techno, experimental electro and classical music
- Opening concert in the great hall of NOSPR on June 28
- 3-day tickets go on sale at the promo price of 309 PLN (only until 31.03!)
A one-of-a-kind merger of techno and classical music will inaugurate this year’s 13th edition of the Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice festival! The glamorous performance in the NOSPR concert hall will encompass electronic experiments juxtaposed with the enchanting richness of sounds provided by the symphony orchestra. On Thursday, June 28, Carl Craig will join forces with Polish musicians for a live performance of pieces from the “Versus” project. At the same time, 3-day tickets including the opening concert go on sale.
Carl Craig has been working on merging electro with classical music for over a decade. The album “ReComposed”, recorded together with Moritz von Oswald for Deutsche Grammophon, which included remixes of the works of Ravel and Musgorski, was followed by an over two-hour-long concert at Cite De Le Musique in Paris in 2008. Collaborating with France’s Les Siècles orchestra conducted by Francois-Xavier Roth, pianist Francisco Tristano and Moritz von Oswald, Carl Craig prepared an unforgettable encounter of two seemingly incompatible musical worlds – techno and classical music. Their experiments were captured on the “Versus” album released in 2017. It is a remastered version of the historical concert from ten years ago, which on June 28 will be brought back to life in the magnificent headquarters of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR).
?? Hit! Futurysta, pionier muzyki elektronicznej i legenda sceny techno z Detroit oraz muzycy fenomenalnej Narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia w Katowicach zainaugurują tegoroczną edycję Festiwalu! Obejrzyj zapowiedź i dowiedz się więcej. Karnety 3-dniowe są już w sprzedaży! ⚒Karnety/tickets: http://festiwalnowamuzyka.pl/bilety/?? Breaking News! Futurist, electronic music pioneer and techno legend from Detroit joins forces with musicians from the phenomenal NOSPR orchestra to inaugurate this year’s edition of the Festival! Watch the teaser and find out more. 3-day tickets are already on sale! ⚒
Opublikowany przez Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice na 21 lutego 2018
– Carl Craig’s “Versus” project is a masterpiece of broadly defined electronic music. It all started with a concert that took place in Paris in 2008 in collaboration with the Les Siècles orchestra. With one of the world’s greatest orchestras and concert halls – NOSPR – at our disposal, organizing this concert was our dream and simultaneously an obvious choice – says Adam Godziek from More Music Agency, organiser of the Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice festival.
Carl Craig is one of the true pioneers of electronic music. Fascinated by futurism and possibilities offered by modern technologies, he has been occupying a spot on top of the techno scene from the moment it was born. This Detroit-based artist has been active for nearly 30 years. His original records and remixes created for other artists earned a permanent spot in the canon of house and techno music, while “Bug in the Bassbin” released on Innerzone Orchestra laid the groundwork for drum’n’bass. The founder of the Planet E label and the Detroit Electronic Music Festival does not limit himself to dance music, as seen from his diverse projects that combine electronic experiments with jazz, soul and, above all, classical music. His unique mirage of futuristic song structures and acoustic orchestral sounds was captured on the “Versus” album, which will be performed live in Katowice by the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR).
Its headquarters encompass a cutting-edge auditorium designed by Japanese experts and completed in autumn 2014. NOSPR provides some of the best conditions in Europe, perfectly suited for extraordinary musical experiences, and that is precisely what we can count on during the performance of Carl Craig with the Polish symphony orchestra.
Today, 3-day tickets at the promo price of 309 PLN go on sale. Do not waste any time, because on April 1 the price goes up by 30 PLN! 4-day and 2-day tickets are still available for sale. More info at the Festival’s official website.
The Festival programme remains open with many interesting announcements still to come.